Editor HTML is a comprehensive free HTML editor, packed full of options, that is both accessible for beginners and comfortable to use for experts.
The program allows you to edit your web pages and HTML code in a quick and easy way thanks to the multiple tools available in its fully customizable environment.
The program highlights any syntax in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and VBScript and changes the style for the different languages, as well as the color. It also has a great code editor with quite a few options: Gutter controls, lines and marks in the latter, a right margin line and several different selection modes. It also allows you to drag files, text and URLs directly to the code editor.
Another very useful feature is the preview tab which you can use to view your site with just a click of a mouse. Also worth noting is the inclusion of two powerful tools: the Internet Mini-Browser where you can browse web pages and upload the documents you are editing along with other files; and the mini FTP Client, which helps you upload and download HTML files to and from an FTP server. This Mini-Client also incorporates an Account Manager to make it easier to work with different FTP accounts.
Editor Html includes various auto complete options for the code such as auto-correct and suggest code. There is also the option to Encrypt or Decrypt files (not just for HTML) that works with the encryption algorithms: Blowfish, Blowfish (CBC), DES, DES (CBC), Triple DES, Triple DES (CBC), and Rijndael Rijndael (CBC).
The program comes with a help file and a large part of Editor HTML includes contextual help features. There is also an installation wizard to install it on your computer easily.
I would like it to be developed further
very good